A Quantum Light-Handbook (Ebook) (with or without QLB Audio)

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The Quantum Light Breath manual for practitioners and group facilitators
by Nishkam Koch & Jeru Kabbal

Choose ebook (epub) only, or with audio-QLB file
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Transform Your Life with the Quantum Light Breath Meditation- and this handbook.

Buy either the handbook only, or take the package: Ebook and 1 QLB audio file (mp3) of the QLBversion with Jeru Kabbal “Dance your own Dance”. More versions of the QLB are available in shop.

Unlock the power within you with “A Quantum Light – The Quantum Light Breath Meditation Handbook.” Dive into the transformative world of this renowned breathing process through the expert guidance of ClarityTrainer Nishkam Koch and Jeru Kabbal, the inventor of this effektive breath-meditation . Discover the profound impact of Quantum Light Breath, as it cleanses your mind, sparks creativity, and nurtures your well-being.

This comprehensive handbook spans over a hundred pages, delving into the origins, practice, and benefits of this meditation technique. Learn the secrets to accelerating personal growth and gain valuable insights on practicing QLB alone in the privacy or your home, or within a group setting.

Jeru Kabbal, the visionary behind this breath meditation, reveals the spiritual connection between breath, mind, and body consciousness. His wisdom and practical tips empower both practitioners and group leaders on their transformative journeys.

Embark on a path of self-discovery and harness the potential within you..

Don’t miss this opportunity for inner growth and well-being!

Additional information


Ebook, Ebook and 1 QLB audio file


Was ist Meditation?

Quantum Light Breath (QLB) – Ein transformierender Atemprozess
Was führt Menschen zur QLB Meditation?
Der Quantum Light Breath als gesundheitsfördernde Meditation – ein Fallbeispiel
Entwicklung und Hintergrund des QLB
QLB – Wie oft er angewendet werden kann und wer ihn nicht praktizieren sollte.
Der QLB und Spirituelles Wachstum – Das Feuer des Geistes nähren.

Der QLB Praxis-Teil

Die richtige Anwendung des QLB

Das richtige Sitzen
Ablauf einer Atemsession mit dem QLB
Nach dem Quantum Light Breath

Der richtige Umgang mit besonderen Effekten und Situationen
Führt der QLB zu Hyperventilation?
QLB an besonderen Orten
QLB als Paarübung

Antworten auf oft gestellte Fragen zum QLB

Praxis-Tipps von Jeru Kabbal
Tipps zur Gestaltung einer QLB-Gruppensitzung
Tipps zum Atmen im Alltag

Die Autoren
Was bringt der ClarityProcess?
ClarityProject und ClarityVerlag


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