Clarity Project, Clarity Trainer & Clarity Guides
The Clarity Project is the official representation of Jeru Kabbal’s work (Kabbal Trust/USA) in German-speaking countries.
The Clarity Project is not a comprehensive organisation, but merely offers a platform for ClarityGuides, who are responsible for their own work.
With workshops and ClarityPublications, the ClarityProject would like to contribute to ensuring that the wisdom of Jeru Kabbal remains available to all who wish to develop their human qualities in the best sense.
ClarityTrainers are guides who have personally experienced Clarity workshops with Jeru Kabbal and train participants in the structured way of the 5-step original ClarityProcess described on this website.
ClarityGuides are people who have completed the ClarityProcess at least completely with level 5 and have qualified themselves further. They know the path through their own experience and will guide you competently through it.
Clarity Guides Portraits
Currently active, qualified seminar leaders in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who pass on the ClarityProcess® are listed here.
Nishkam, Founder of the ClarityProject
Telefon: +49(0)4651-201 088
E-Mail: ed.tcejorpytiralc@ofni
» contact
Nishkam has been facilitating the ClarityProcess® together with Lila as ClarityTrainer since 2000
“The enthusiasm for the inner search for the meaning of our existence and the fascination about the mysticism behind things and how the human psyche can develop and transform are the motivation for my work with people“.
In the mid-1980s his spiritual journey began with Native American ritual experiences in meeting Lakota medicine men (Lame Deer/ Elmar Runnings). Since 1990 he has had experiences in therapeutic group work, light and shadow work, was initiated as a Reiki teacher, experienced the Osho Therapist Training (OTT) with RAGAAS, experimented with meditation techniques (from Osho to Kabbal to Adyashanti), learned about dehypnotherapy (Clarity®) with Jeru Kabbal and mental field therapy with Dietrich Klinghardt.
In the meantime, he has also been certified by the competent authority as a psychological counsellor and state-certified non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy. Within this framework, he trained further in the EMDR and Brainspotting methods, as well as hypnotherapy for individual work..
In 2006, he met Douglas Harding and Richard Lang at a headless workshop in England and was inspired by the “headless way” of the English mystic Harding. Nishkam is one of the few who also shares this wonderful perspective on “waking up” from the metaphysical dream in german.
Nishkam is coordinator of the ClarityProject®, as well as translator and editor of Kabbal’s writings into german, and author and co-author of several reference books on Clarity® and the utopian novel Syltopia.
At home on Sylt, he offers meditations and individual sessions with his wife Youvan in the OCEAN CENTER SYLT and oversees the world’s most comprehensive Jeru Kabbal archive.
Nishkam also gives one-to-one coaching sessions by phone or video conference on request under ed.tcejorpytiralc@ofni and Online Meditations. Inquiries about the course schedule etc. are of course free of charge.
Dr. Sonja Böhme
Tel.:+43 664 4401157
The ClarityProcess has changed priorities for Sonja: She made the leap from management in an industrial group, dedicated herself to a psychology degree and now enthusiastically passes on Clarity®.
“I learned with Clarity how to keep a cool head as a leader in stressful phases. It has fundamentally changed my life and motivated me to pass on this knowledge.”
Sonja has completed numerous management trainings and advanced trainings on people management and builds the ClarityProcess on her structured methodological knowledge for personal development.
She has been offering Clarity courses since 2018.
Florian Neuscheller
Mobil- Tel.: +43 664 5131717
Florian has been giving courses and retreats at home and abroad for 20 years as a yoga teacher, shiatsu practitioner, breath and consciousness trainer.
“My focus is to connect with our inner core, where we experience that we are not separate from the limitless potential of existence.“
When Florian came into contact with Jeru’s work in 2012, he was immediately deeply impressed that in Clarity® complex psychological and spiritual connections are reduced to the essentials and can be experienced in a simple way by everyone.
Florian lives in Carinthia in Austria
Pauline Müller
Pauline joined the ClarityProcess with Lila and Nishkam in her early 20s after a moving experience with the Quantum Light Breath. From the very beginning, she was fascinated by the combination of Eastern teachings and Western psychology. She later wrote her bachelor’s thesis on Quantum Light Breath Meditation. She is now a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and is continuing her training in systemic work.
“Clarity has given me the tools I need to tap into my own power and realise my potential. I would never have thought this possible before. The miracle is that it is not a miracle at all, but a concrete path to a self-determined life and to unity, which is open to everyone. The Clarity Process offers the opportunity to decide against suffering and in favour of your own inner peace.”
Martina Fröhlich
Martina has been working in the therapeutic field for almost 20 years. For a very long time, her focus has been on recognising that it is not our own nature, but simply learned patterns and routines that make life difficult for us.
As an Austrian who lived in Switzerland for several years, she worked in marketing and advertising for many years, then turned her focus from the external to the internal. Grinberg bodywork, trauma work, hypnosis, PolyVagal, Power of Life (dance) and much more form her professional background.
For her, however, the Clarity Process is clearly the method that gives people very simple tools to find their own path with absolute self-responsibility and ease and then to really go their own way.
Carolin Schaffner
Carolin combines a passion for exploring the world with a talent for bringing structure and stability to chaos. Her experiences of living in different countries can serve as inspiration to approach challenges with an open mind and a structured approach.
As a full-time mum, she knows the challenges of daily family life and integrates the insights of the Clarity Process into her everyday life, especially in dealing with her children.
“With Clarity, I can find my inner home anywhere in the world, regardless of time and place, in a country that is foreign to me.”
Melanie Steinberger
Melanie immersed herself in the Clarity Process with Lila and Nishkam in her early twenties. She came into contact with this great process early on, which changed her life in a very gentle and sustainable way.
Through her profession as a qualified health and nursing professional, she has experience in dealing with people, and Melanie regularly gives meditation evenings together with Henning in Berlin.
“Clarity has given me the right tools to feel calm and deep trust in myself even in challenging times and thus to lead a self-determined life.”
Henning Stober
Henning had already attended many seminars before the Clarity Process. But only found what he was looking for in Jeru’s work.
A process that can be easily and efficiently integrated into everyday life.
Through his profession as an actor and mediator, Henning has a lot of experience on an interpersonal level and, together with Melanie, regularly organizes meditation evenings in Berlin.
“I don’t know of anything that combines Eastern and Western, mysticism and science as easily and consistently as Jeru Kabbal’s Clarity Process.”
Ann-Kathrin Müller
E-Mail: ed.xmg@relleum.knna
Tel: 04651/201088
E-Mail: ed.tcejorpytiralc@ofni
Anja-Youvan is an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy and health educator with 15 years of professional experience in counselling, especially for women.
As a self-employed person, she also conducts MeerFit seminars for people who want to draw strength on the north sea island Sylt.
For her partner Nishkam she does the seminar organisation of the ClarityProject.
Anja-Youvan is happy to help with all registration and organisational questions concerning the seminars with Nishkam.
Jeru Kabbal, the founder of Clarity®
Over four decades as a spiritual teacher, American-born therapist and mystic Jeru Kabbal developed an effective, practical process of self-exploration, the Clarity Process®.
“This process is capable of leading people to deep insight, joy of life and self-realisation“
American psychologist Jeru Kabbal has succeeded in making the ancient wisdom of the East practically applicable and effectively experienceable for Westerners by means of the ClarityProcess® . Jeru Kabbal had a classical training in Western psychotherapy and was inspired by wisdom teachings of the East. He lived for over 12 years in the environment of the great imndian mystic OSHO in India, Holland and USA.
In the 1970s/80s he led growth groups with thousands of seekers. He was founder and director of his own institutions: the Institute for Dehypnotherapy and the Institute for Accelerated Personal Transformation (APT Institutes). The first “Clarity Course” (then called “Dehypnotherapy”), was held in India in 1977.
From his decades of experience with people of all ages and social backgrounds, he extracted effective methods, freed them from superfluous ballast and shaped them into a growth process that, when applied consistently, leads to clarity, serenity and joy
During the last two decades of his life, Jeru Kabbal guided a large number of people through the ClarityProcess
Jeru Kabbal passed away in California on 22.05.2000 at the age of seventy. His methods flowed into many application practices of transpersonal psychotherapy. The Clarity Process® has been passed on by his students (ClarityTrainer & Guides) ever since.