L. Nishkam Koch
Nishkam is the founder and organizer of the international ClarityProject and ClarityPublications and the guardian of the Jeru Kabbal archive in Germany.
In this context, he is editor and translator of books and audio contributions of the late therapist and mystic Jeru Kabbal.
Since the death of his teacher in 2000, he has accompanied people on his structured, transpersonal growth path, the ClarityProcess®.
Nishkam has been practicing the Quantum Light Breath breathing process since 1994 and also offers its own live QLB sessions. He has already personally introduced and guidedmore than thousand people in the Quantum Light Breath meditation. He is also a certified naturopath for psychotherapy.
Nishkam Lothar Koch published in the Clarity® Verlag
-Multiple Audio CDs: Day and Night Relaxation, The Buddha’s Smile, ClarityLetGo Meditation, QLBs with Nishkam
– the manual for the Quantum Light Breath: A quantum light and the
Utopian novel Syltopia, which describes the transformation of the famous holiday island of Sylt, where Nishkam lives.
Nishkam Lothar Koch is co-author of “Fit with fasting at Werners on Sylt.” In the Feldhaus Verlag published the nature experience guide: course Sylt.
Springer Verlag published his book Jeru Kabbal’s ClarityProcess. Life and work of a pioneer of transpersonal psychology.