The Clarity Process

What is the
Clarity Process?

which take you out of the rut and frustration of everyday life…
and relaxe you into
the here & now !

a 5-step growth path

The Original ClarityProcess® will help you to come into your centre, stay healthy and align with your goals.
You will explore the deeper waters and higher horizons of your being. It uses very simple, powerful tools that can also be used at home to integrate change into your daily life.

In the ClarityProcess we dive into self-exploration with different methods: with regression work, biofeedback, intuition, inquiery, relaxation, mindfulness techniques, active- and sitting meditations and the powerful breath meditation Quantum Light Breath.

Recognising your own potential

The purpose of the Clarity Process is to help you be fully grounded in the present moment, to emerge from your “everyday hypnosis” and to clearly recognise, and live, your potential.

The ClarityProcess is a practical method that leads step by step to deep insight, joy of life and inner peace.
Do you want to know more? Then you can find our books here.

in spirals through 5 Levels of consciousness

The path of awareness serves your strengthening and further development and the reconnection with the mystery of being.



In the ClarityProcess® we work quite systematically and effectively to get to the core of our beliefs that have been unconsciously imprinted throughout life.

With Jeru Kabbal’s sophisticated methods, we take the power out of such limiting self-images and self-judgments. In doing so, we use the wonderful tools of humanistic psychology as well as the profound wisdom of spiritual mystics.

This means we bring together the best methods and insights of the wise from East and West! The workshops are based on gentle, non-confrontational methods. The exercises immediately put theoretical explanations into practice. No one is pushed, intimidated or exposed. Clarity® does not follow any particular church or religious direction.

The actual insights are gained by each person individually, but the group process is a valuable support for working on personal issues and is a lot of fun.

What you can expect from the Clarity Process

  • Feeling more alive, vital and confident every day
  • A clear understanding of your fears and desires and how to deal with them
  • Experiencing yourself in the here and now
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Rediscovering your connection to creation
  • Clear understanding of the path to self-realisation
  • Deep, peaceful meditations
  • Greater clarity in all aspects of life
  • Greater joy and celebration
  • Greater contentment and love for oneself
  • and more


  • Dissolving unconscious, negative and blocking behaviour patterns
  • Better management of crisis and stress situations and a more confident appearance at work and in everyday life
  • Sustainably improve communication and leadership skills
  • Self-motivation, creativity and performance, burn-out prevention, self-management, resilience strengthening
  • Improving the ability to initiate and implement change processes
  • Self-realisation in the sense of the mystics….

The Clarity Process is Fun!

The next ClarityProcess Seminars

Workshops and Online Events

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In 5 Training-Units
to Clarity

Stage 1

An introduction. You already get a valuable, quick way to continue working with your issues, independent of others, at home.

However, we recommend completing steps 1-3 in a 9-day workshop to dive deeper right away and achieve more lasting results.

Stages 2 and 3

You will learn more powerful exercises to free yourself from old ballast and get a good overview of your “inner map”. Day by day you get to know yourself better and make friends with yourself. You understand more and more basic rules of being, and scales fall from your eyes. You understand on a deeper level why things work the way they do and why you are the way you are. This opens up the possibility of change.

We look at the nature of desires and fears, learn how “The Secret” and “Orders in the Universe” really work and the knack of manifesting your dreams. We delve into the background of physical illnesses and zippersleins and loosen the symptom-producing patterns.

We emerge more and more from our everyday hypnosis and experience the fresh, living moment.

Stage 4

A life-changing retreat of 21 days

We work with you on your personal goals and set playful conditions in which you can safely test your new freedom, then realise it permanently in a real-life transformation.

We offer you to go through a “spiritual gateway” with a special meditation time that can give you completely new insights into yourself, your life, your purpose and your being.

Stage 5

You are allowing your potential to blossom more and more, finding more and more your true purpose in life and your connection to Oneness. This time has the potential to make you “wake up” and “arrive home”.

Exercises and methods also for at home

It is not necessary to decide on the whole process from the outset. Each stage is self-contained and already yields valuable insights and results.

Each of the five levels is achieved through very simple yet effective exercises used according to the level. These methods can be used completely independently after the course, so that each participant can continue to practise at home and thus change daily life.

Possibilities of certification

Step by step further training with Clarity
with certification*

After level 3
+ online seminar Quantum Light Breath Training:

certified QLB (Quantum Light Breath) Coach

You will receive your certificate if you have completed an online seminar on QLB Training (or equivalent) after completing Level 3 in a workshop. With the certificate you can offer QLB groups under the logo of Clarity®.

After level 4
+ hospitancy in level 1-3 (and/or online equivalents):

ClarityCoach & Guide

You will receive a certificate with which you can identify yourself as a ClarityCoach for individual work under the Clarity® logo and you are entitled to perform Step 1 workshops.

After level 5
+ hospitancies in level 1-4:


You will receive a certificate that identifies you as a ClarityGuide for levels 1-4 and can offer group seminars yourself under the Clarity® logo.

more info on request*
